Wednesday, 4 December 2013


            The teaching aids are also known as the audio – visual aid.  The ‘audio – visual’ means all those sources, which make the audio and visual sense organs of the pupils, activated and they understand minute and difficult ideas of the lesson very conveniently.  These include all those sources, which make the pupils interested in the lesson, and the learning objectives are achieved very easily.  It is termed as the Hardware Technology.
1.      Kinds of learning objective:
The first criterion for selecting the audio – visual aids is objectives of learning.  The teacher should select those audio – visual aids according to those learning objectives, which he determines and defines during the planning phase.  Various learning objectives are attained as follows:
·        Cognitive objectives are achieved successfully by using every type or audio – visual aids.
·        Affective objectives are achieved by using gramophone, radio, tape recorder, television, pictures, cinema, laboratory and excursions etc.
·        Psychomotor objectives are achieved by using language, tape recorder, gramophone, laboratory and models etc.
2.      Types of Learning Structures:
Audio – visual aids should be selected for various learning structures as follows:
·        Signal Learning Structure:
These can be presented successfully with the help of gramophone, tape recorder, pictures, sketches, language, laboratory and models.
·        Chain Learning Structure:
These can be presented by using gramophone, tape recorder, pictures, cinema, language, laboratory and models.
·        Multiple Discrimination Learning Structures:
These can be presented with the help of language, laboratory, sketches, gramophone and tape recorder.
·        Concept Learning Structures:
Pictures, sketches, cinema and television can present these.
·        Principle Learning Structure:
These can be presented by a picture, sketch, cinema etc.
            Thus, audio – visual aids are closely related to learning objectives and learning structures.  Hence, the teachers and pupil teachers should select the audio – visual aids considering both the criteria as basis.

            The most striking innovation in the field of educational technology is the use of computers in the instructional process.  Computer Assisted Instruction is a natural outgrowth of the application of the principles of programmed instruction. The main objective of CAI is to provide the needed flexibility for individualizing the educational process.  It is almost impossible to do so in face – to – face student – teacher relationship.  It can process the information suiting to the needs of the individual learner.
Definition of CAI:
            According to International Directory of Education, “Use of a computer to assist in the presentation of instructional materials to in accordance with the needs of individual learners”.
            According to the Concise Dictionary of Education, “Instruction in which a computer is used to present substantial amount of learning material to the student; it often represents an auto instructional technique enabling students to progress at their own individual rates”.
Modes of CAI:
Steps in Developing CAI:
            The steps in developing CAI are more or less the same as those of PLM and are listed below:
·        Planning:
Planning a lesson for CAI involves making decisions about the following aspects:
v Nature of the target group for whom the instruction is planned;
Ø  Their age
Ø  Previous level of achievement
Ø  Medium of instruction
v Nature of the topic
Ø  Potential for paced, sequenced learning
Ø  Scope for using illustrations
v Length of the topic: Neither too long nor too short
Ø  Nature of the program
Ø  User friendly
Ø  Opportunities for interactive learning
Ø  Visual / graphical presentation
Ø  Programming language
·        Preparation:
Preparation of the lesson for CAI involves the steps listed below:
v Stating the objectives
v Structuring and organizing the lesson pedagogically
v Writing the programme
v Editing
·        Testing:
The programme is to be tried out and its effectiveness assessed with respect to the following:
v Program contents
v Contents presentation and arrangement of structure
v Learner’s motivation
v Graphic presentation
v Essential elements of educational software.

Learning sequence of CAI:
            Kemp and Smellie (1989) have listed the following as the learning sequence of CAI:
·        Orientation information:
Teacher outlines the topic and presents the objectives verbally.
·        Directions and procedure:
The directions embedded in the software are read and understood by the student.
·        Learning procedure:
The students familiarize themselves with the learning procedure.
·        Answering questions:
The students actively participate by answering questions and evaluate the realization of the objectives.
·        Feedback:
The student’s responses are confirmed and immediate feedback is given.
·        Remedial instructions:
Remedial instruction is provided whenever it is necessary with supplementary materials and references.
·        Choosing the next learning sequence:
Students choose the direction for the next step to be taken, i.e., to go to the next unit, or go back to the original unit or exit from the programme.

Benefits of CAI:
·        CAI enhances quality of education and saves instructional time.
·        It is interactive and involves the student actively in the learning process.
·        Learning is student – based and self – paced.
·        Learning is more private and the reinforcement and refinement are immediate.
·        CAI is instructor – independent and hence it is consistent, well structured and thorough.
·        The system can simulate complex problems and permit students to explore and investigate.
·        CAI is best suited for remedial teaching.
·        CAI saves time for teachers and they can devote more time for creative work.
·        CAI is particularly helpful for slow learners.
·        The graphics facility is a powerful aid in enhancing intuition, especially in giving insight into mathematical formulae.
·        CAI is useful for distance learning and continuing education programs.

Disadvantages of CAI:
·        There is lack of personal touch if the entire course is taught through CAI.
·        It is difficult to get suitable software for our Indian requirements.
·        Cost may be an important factor of consideration for the Indian schools as computers can be an expensive proposition.
·        Long hours of CAI could result in fatigue.

            The use of Mass media in teaching of mathematics may be supported on the following grounds:
     i.            Clarity of the subject:
Media help in clarifying the various abstract concepts of mathematics instead of struggling hard only with the theoretical talk, if the teacher takes the help of some media he can make the subject more clear and meaningful to his students.
For example, the simple facts of addition like 7 + 5 = 12 can only be taught effectively if the children are given opportunity to count seven and five concrete objects first separately and then in combination.
  ii.            To make the subject interesting:
Media help in creating and maintaining interest in the learning of Mathematics.  The subject no longer remains as boring, dull and unreal one.
iii.            Based on maxims of teaching:
The use of media facilitate to the teacher to follow the important maxims of teaching like, ‘simple to complex’, ‘concrete to abstract’, ‘known to unknown’ and ‘learning by doing’ etc.
iv.            Psychological value:
Use of media has some psychological advantage also.  Children always like to manipulate or observe the new things.  Once they are attracted towards an object or activity, their attention can be easily captured and desired interest in the learning can be safely maintained.  The satisfaction of various interests and innate tendencies through media thus help much in task of learning.
   v.            Fixing up the knowledge:
The knowledge gained needs to be fixed in the minds of the students.  It needs a lasting impression in their minds, which can be easily engraved through media.

vi.            Saving of time and energy:
Much of time and energy of both the teacher and the taught may be saved on account of the use of media is be helped through visual demonstration while others learn better through doing.  The use of various types of media helps in meeting the requirements of different types of pupils.
vii.            Use of maximum senses:
Senses are said to be gateway of knowledge.  Media help in the maximum utilization of sense organs and thereby facilitate the gaining of knowledge by the students.
viii.            Meeting the individual differences requirements:
There are wide individual differences among children.  Some are ear minded; some can be helped through visual demonstration while others learn better through doing.  The use of various types of media helps in meeting the requirements of different types of pupils.
ix.            Encouraging activity:
Teaching learning process becomes quite stimulating and active through media.  Here passive listening does not help in realization of the objectives of teaching mathematics.  Use of media helps in converting the passive environment of the classroom into living one.
   x.            Development of scientific attitude:

Use of media helps in cultivating scientific attitude among students.  Instead facts, they resort to observe or use them practically with the help of media and ultimately adopt the habit of generalizations through actual observations and experiments.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


“Leading is the work of a teacher does to motivate, encourage and inspire the students, so that they will readily achieve the learning”.
-         Davis, I.K.
            The entire system of education is geared towards the realization of certain national goals.  The Indian Education Commission (1964 – 66) has recommended the following to make education as a powerful agency of social, economic and cultural transformation necessary for realization of the national goals.
            Every subject/course included in the curriculum has distinct and unique aims.  The aims of teaching mathematics and sciences will be distinctly different from those of teaching languages and social sciences.  The aims of mathematics education are derived from and intimately related to the broad aims of education or goals of education.
The need and significance of teaching Mathematics:
            Mathematics education provides:
F A good mathematical background with the knowledge of concepts and theories.
F Ability to apply mathematical concepts and theorems of new situations.
F Ability to transfer the mathematical type of thinking and reasoning to daily life situations.
F A clear understanding of laws of nature.
F A clear understanding of the culture and development of civilization.
F An appreciation of the applications of mathematics for the scientific and technological advancement.
F Sufficient mathematical skills to meet the demands of daily life.
F A better understanding of the world around.
F Ability to make independent decisions in societal issues.
F A good deal of self – reliance, self – confidence, tolerance and open – mindedness.
F A window for looking at the world and a framework for solving problems.
F Ability to transfer the knowledge and skills learned through mathematics lessons to other contexts in the work place and in everyday life.
F An essential element of communication.
F A powerful tool in the hands of the learners.
F Ability to apply mathematics and make meaningful connections to life’s experience.
F Ability to communicate mathematical ideas coherently and clearly to peers, teachers and others.
F Ability to think alternative methods of solving problems.
F Ability to apply mathematical ideas and relationships in areas outside classroom such as in art, science and other curricular areas and in everyday life, especially physical phenomenon.
Aims and Objectives of Teaching Mathematics:
Aims of Teaching Mathematics:
            Aims are general and long term goals and may be common to more than one subject.  Long term goals refer to high level aims and tend to be related to broad reasons, why a particular subject or activities are being organized or why a particular course is being done.  Thus aims or long term goals can be regarded as expressions of strategy.
General Aims of Teaching Mathematics:
            The general aims of teaching mathematics are as follows:
š To enable the child to understand the use of numbers and quantities related to their daily life.
š To enable the child to solve mathematical problems of his daily life.
š To create a suitable type of discipline in the mind of the child.
š To familiarize the child with the latest mathematical knowledge to fulfill the existing needs of the society.
š To give knowledge about the broad objectives of teaching mathematics such as – knowledge, understanding, application etc.
š To develop in the child fundamental skills and process of mathematics.
š To develop in the child a sense of appreciation of cultural arts.
š To prepare the child for elementary as well as higher education in science, engineering etc.
š To develop the habit of concentration, self – confidence, self – reliance and discovery.
š To develop in the child the mental powers like thinking, reasoning etc.
š To develop scientific and realistic attitude towards life.
š To give practical knowledge of mathematics to face the day – to – day problems.
š To prepare the child for technical professions such as those of accounts, audits, bankers, surveyors, cashiers, scientists, architects and mathematics teachers.
š To bring an all – round and harmonious development of the personality of the child.
š To develop the sense of appreciation of mathematical knowledge and contribution of mathematicians.
š To develop the skills to use the modern mathematical devices like computers etc.
š To develop the abilities of analysis, synthesis, reasoning, computation etc.
š To develop interest in mathematics.
Different Aims of Teaching Mathematics:
            Aims of teaching mathematics can be classified under the following heads:
Ø  Utilitarian or Practical Aims
Ø  Disciplinary Aims
Ø  Cultural Aims and
Ø  Social Aims
Utilitarian or Practical Aims:
            The following are the practical aims of teaching mathematics:
F To enable the students to have clear ideas about number concept.
F To give the individual an understanding of ideas and operations in number and quantity needed in daily life.
F To enable the individual to have clear comprehension of the way the number is applied to all measures but most particularly to those frequently used concepts such as length, volume, area, weight, temperature, speed etc.
F To enable the individual to become proficient in the four fundamental operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
F To provide the basis of mathematical skills and processes this will be needed for vocational process.
F To enable the learner to acquire and develop mathematical skills and attitude to meet the demands of (i) daily life (ii) future mathematical work and (iii) work in the related fields of knowledge.
F To enable the student to make appropriate approximations.
F To enable the learner to understand the concept of ratio and scale drawing, read and interpret graphs, diagrams and tables.
F To enable the individual to apply his mathematics to a wide range of problems that occurs in daily life.
 Disciplinary Aims:
            The teaching of mathematics intends to realize the following the disciplinary aims:
F To provide opportunities that enable the learners to exercise and discipline mental faculties.
F To help the learner in the intelligent use of reasoning power.
F To develop constructive imagination and inventive faculties.
F To develop the character through systematic and orderly habits.
F To help the learner to be original and creative in thinking.
F To help the individual to become self – reliant and independent.
Cultural Aims:
            The cultural aims can be summarized as follows:
F To enable the learner to appreciate the part played by mathematics in the culture of the past and that it continues to play in the present world.
F To enable the student to appreciate the role played by mathematics in preserving and transmitting our cultural traditions.
F To enable him to appreciate various cultural arts like drawing, design making, painting, poetry, music, sculpture and architecture.
F To provide through mathematical ideas, aesthetic and intellectual enjoyment and satisfaction and to give an opportunity for creative expression.
F To help the students explore creative fields such as art and architecture.
F To make the learner aware of the strengths and virtues of the culture he has inherited.
F To develop in the individual an aesthetic awareness of mathematical shapes and patterns in nature as well as the products of our civilization.
Social Aims:
            The important social aims of teaching mathematics are as under:
F To develop in the individual an awareness of the mathematical principles and operations which will enable the individual to understand and participate in the general social and economic life of his community.
F To enable the student to understand how the methods of mathematics such as scientific, intuitive, deductive and inventive are used to investigate, interpret and to make decision in human affairs.
F To help the pupil acquire social and moral values to lead a fruitful life in the society.
F To help the pupil in the formation of social laws and social order needed for social harmony.
F To provide the pupils scientific and technological knowledge necessary for adjusting to the rapidly changing society and social life.
F  To help the learner appreciate how mathematics contributes to his understanding of natural phenomena.
F To help the pupil interpret social and economic phenomena.
All these aims are very broad and general in nature, without having any vital relationship to the curriculum and the day – to – day classroom activities.
Objectives of Teaching Mathematics:
            The objectives imply the changes that we try to bring about in the children.  According to NCERT’s Evaluation and Examination issue:
            “An objective is a point or end in view of something towards which action is directed, a planned change sought through any activity what we set out to do”.
            The objective is a statement or a form of category which suggests any kind of change.  It indicates the direction of pupil’s growth and provides basis for selection of evaluation procedures.  Objectives provide link between teachers, pupils, testers and parents by focusing their attention with intended outcomes of learning.  Thus objectives validate the process of education.  Hence objectives have the following characteristics:
·        They provide direction to the activities.
·        They help for the planned change.
·        They provide basis for organizing teaching – learning activities.
The objectives are classified into two categories:
                                i.            Educational Objectives
                             ii.            Teaching Objectives
i.                    Educational Objectives:
Educational objectives are broad and philosophical in nature.  They are related to the schools and educational system.
“Educational objective as a desired change in behaviour of a person that we try to bring about through education”.
-         Furst, E. J.
“Educational objectives are not only the goals towards which the      curriculum is shaped and towards which instruction is guided, but they are also the goals that provide the detailed specification for the curriculum and use of evaluation techniques”.
-         Bloom, B. S.
The educational objectives are achieved with the help of teaching or instructional objectives.  These include several teaching or instructional objectives.
ii.                 Teaching Objectives:
The teaching objectives are narrow and psychological in nature.  Teaching objectives may be achieved in a certain period in the classroom, for example a period of 30 or 35 minutes duration.  These are related with the expected change in behaviour of the child.  So they are also called behavioural objectives.  Teaching objectives are directly related with the learning process and they are well defined, definite, clear, specific and measurable.  These give direction to the learning process, learning experiences and teaching.  They provide the foundation of the entire educational structure.  Therefore, teaching objectives are also called instructional objectives.  The teaching strategies methods and techniques are selected on the basis of teaching or instructional objectives.
Comparison between Aims and Objectives:
            For a teacher it is practically impossible to realize all the aims of mathematics education within the framework of curriculum, for they involve a total programme of education encompassing even out – of – classroom experiences.  The part of the aim that can be achieved within an institution is an objective.  While aims give directions to education, objectives are directed towards the aims.
1.      Aims are very broad and comprehensive.
1.      Objectives are narrower and specific.
2.      Philosophy, sociology is main source of aims.
2.      Psychology is the main source of objectives.
3.      They are not definite and clear.
3.      They are definite and clear.
4.      They are difficult to achieve.
4.      They can be achieved conveniently.
5.      Long time duration is needed in order to achieve aims.
5.      They need short duration i.e. in the period of class room teaching.
6.      They are subjective.
6.      They are objective.
7.      These cannot be evaluated.
7.      These can be evaluated.
8.      These include objectives.
8.      Objectives are a part of aims.
9.      They are related with the whole education system and whole curriculum.
9.      These are related with the teaching and any specific topic.
10. It is the responsibility of school, society and nation to achieve them.
10. Generally teacher is only responsible.
11. These are theoretical and indirect.
11. Objectives are direct and concerned with the teaching learning process.
12. Aims are formal.
12. These are functional and informative.

Sources of Objectives:        
            The following are the sources of objectives and the teacher can make use of these sources while writing objectives.
·        Aims of education
·        Institutional aims
·        Aims of mathematics education
·        Opinions of subject experts and associations
·        The nature of the learner, and the course subject
·        The psychology of teaching and learning
·        Societal requirements
·        List of objectives developed by SCERT, NCERT etc.
Instructional Objectives – Definition and Meaning:
            An instructional objective is a statement of expected result.  It is a description of the learning outcome that the teacher expects as a result of his/her instruction.  Bloom et al state,
“By educational objectives, we mean explicit formulation of the ways in which students are expected to be changed by the education process; that is the ways in which they will change in their thinking, their feelings and actions”.   
Thus the objectives are statements describing the expected change in behaviour as outcomes of instruction.  It is a statement of what students should be able to do at the end of the learning period that they could not do before hand.  Thus the term ‘Objective’ may be defined as:
            “An objective is a point or end view of the possible achievement in terms of what a student is able to do when the whole educational system is directed towards educational aims”.
            An instructional objective is a statement that describes what pupil will do or be able to do, towards the realization of an educational aim.  When a pupil attains an objective he realizes a part of the broad aim.
Importance of Stating Instructional Objectives:
            When the teacher plans the instruction based on the objectives then the focus of the entire instructional process gets shifted from the teacher to the student.  The instructional objective not only guides, teacher in designing her instruction but also helps the examiners in selecting the suitable evaluation tools.  The objectives are useful for the students in knowing what is expected of them after completing the period of learning.
The objectives help the teacher to:
v Define clearly the expected behaviour modification of the students after a period of instruction.
v Plan appropriate learning experiences.
v Proceed in the right direction to realize the aims.
v Convey clearly the instructional intent to others.
v Provide the basis for the decisions regarding selection and organization of the content, the mode of instruction and evaluation techniques.
The objectives give directions to the examiner in:
v Selecting appropriate evaluation tools.
v Selecting relevant test items to test the expected change in behaviour of the tests.
The objectives are helpful to the students.  The objectives:
v Tell the student what is expected of him after a period of instruction and thereby enables him to use his study time more efficiently.
v Tell the student how he should be able to use the material from the syllabus and in what ways he is expected to display his mental skills and abilities.
v Tell the student what will be the minimum level of acceptance for his performance and under what conditions it could be achieved.
Sources of Objectives:
            The following are the sources of objectives and the teacher can make use of these sources while writing objectives.
v Aims of education
v Institutional aims
v Aims of mathematics education
v Opinions of subject experts and associations
v The nature of the learner, and the course subject
v The psychology of teaching and learning
v Societal requirements
v List of objectives developed by SCERT, NCERT etc.
Criteria for Judging Instructional Objectives:
            In choosing general instructional objectives, it is helpful to have criteria against which to judge whether or not the objectives are relevant and useful.
§  Attainability                                      - within the realm of possibility
§  Validity                                              - in line with the aims of the education
§  Comprehensiveness                         - cover fully all the behaviour and content
§  Precision                                            - clear and unambiguous
§  Feasibility                                         - for application
§  Appropriateness                               - for yielding specific outcomes
§  Reasonable in number
§  Consistent with one another
General Instructional Objectives (GIOs) and Specific Outcomes of Learning (SOLs):
            The GIOs are for a course and can apply to any item of the curriculum/syllabus.  They are intended to assist in defining and carrying out broad educational aims.  By specifically stating the kind of outcome of student learning desired, these objectives can be used to clarify teaching methods, learning experiences and material needed for particular content and course.
Examples for GIOs:
Ø  The pupil acquires knowledge of mathematical terms, facts, concepts, principles, theorem etc.
Ø  The pupil understands the meaning of mathematical terms, facts etc.
Ø  The pupil applies mathematical principles to new and unfamiliar situations.
These objectives are also known as non – behavioural objectives as they do not depict an overt behaviour of the learner.
SOLs consist of statements defining the specific performances, which we adopt as evidence that a student has actually reached his objective, all of which are precise and measurable.  These objectives are also known as behavioural objectives as the statement of these objectives contains an action verb which displays an overt behaviour of the learner.
Examples for SOLs:
Ø  The pupil recalls definitions of mathematical terms or concepts.
Ø  The pupil recognizes mathematical symbols.
Ø  The pupil lists properties of geometrical figures.
Ø  The pupil classifies geometrical figures.
Ø  The pupil gives reason for mathematical statements.
Ø  The pupil establishes relationship among mathematical concepts.
Ø  The pupil formulates a hypothesis for solving a given problem.
Ø  The pupil selects principles relevant to the problem presented.
Writing GIOs and SOLs:
          Listing objectives is a time consuming process, which requires careful thought.  It is best done over a period of time in order to be able to review and revise.  But for having once prepared and refined a list for a course, it can remain as a guide from year to year with only minor revisions.
            For each general instructional objective it is necessary to write SOLs that will state the precise behaviour or performance that is expected of a student.  Each general instructional objective can have many specific outcomes of learning under it.  These are smaller unit’s performance and can be precisely measured by tests of various kinds.
            There are five elements which when used in writing an SOL give the clearest definition for student performance that can be used for both teaching and testing.  The five elements are as follows:
a)     Performer (The Student, The Trainer, The Learner, etc.)
b)     Action Required (An action verb.  Example:  identifies, compares, describes, distinguishes, analyses, classifies etc.)
c)     Task (Include a task to be performed.  Example: compares the properties, explains the derivation)
d)     Conditions (Include any condition that may be required.  Example: compares the properties of the given triangles)
e)     Criteria for judgement (any relevant criteria for clarity.  Example: explains, the phenomena with at least two examples, computers with speed and accuracy)
Example for SOLs:
Ø  The pupil recalls the formula for the area of an equilateral triangle.
Ø  The pupil constructs the triangle according to the given specifications.
Ø  The pupil selects an appropriate method/formula to solve the given problem.
Ø  The pupil computes the area of the given equilateral triangle with speed and accuracy.
Ø  The pupil lists the properties of an equilateral triangle.
Ø  The pupil states Pythagoras theorem.
Three Qualities to be maintained:
            In writing an SOL, there are three qualities which must be maintained, if SOL is to serve the purpose of communication between teacher, pupil and examiner.
Ø  Use clear, precise action verbs.
Ø  Must be feasible in terms of student’s level, nature of the content and learning experiences.
Ø  Must be observable and measurable.